
Emergency conditions like the weather, declared state of emergency, safety, or other 情况可能需要关闭该机构. 当机构被宣布时 关闭, all academic classes and administrative 从ices are suspended and only essential 维护服务.

In accordance with Board of Regents Policy, in the event of inclement weather or any emergency which requires the absence of employees, the President may declare leave 有或没有工资.

员工 whose job responsibilities require that they work during hazardous, emergency weather conditions, or state of emergency in order to maintain critical institutional 功能,e.g. 公共安全或设施雇员、信息技术或雇员 负有重要的健康和安全责任,可指定为必要的人员’. 主要人员应保持正常的工作时间表,除非 特别是原谅.

Once there is a decision to close the institution due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions, only those employees designated by the institution as “essential” to oversee the vital functions during an institutional emergency are required 工作.

Essential personnel for this institution will include (2) Police Officers (Swainsboro Campus), (1) Police Officer (Statesboro Campus), (1) IT Staff (Swainsboro Campus), (1) IT Staff (Statesboro Campus), (1) Plant Ops Staff (Swainsboro Campus), (1) 住房 Staff (Swainsboro Campus) per normal shift and other staff as approved by the Vice 商务总裁. 虽然这些人员被指定为必不可少的人员, managers are expected to exercise reasonableness in assigning these staff during the 临时关闭.

All other employees are to either stay home/away or to leave their work area as soon 在通知发出后切实可行的情况下. 关闭该机构的决定将会 按工作日计算.

If the institution designates the emergency and/or inclement weather closing as paid, then the following guidelines may apply to “essential” bi‐weekly employees required 在闭幕时工作. 只有被指定为18级工资的“必要”人员 和以下都有资格 计划外结算付款.


情况 员工组 如何为时间编码
校园全天关闭 指定重要人员
记录实际工作时间并记录unscheduled关闭 对于相同的小时数(i.e., 8小时正常时间加上8小时 临时关闭)
记录 计划外结案假 - 8小时
不支付 计划外结案假.
校园部分关闭一天 指定重要人员
(who report 工作 prior to campus opening (delayed start) or remain at work after 校园已宣布关闭)
在校期间记录实际工作时间. 记录之后的实际工作时间 the campus has been declared 关闭 (or prior to campus opening if delayed start) + 记录 临时关闭 在学校关闭期间工作了几个小时.
在校期间记录实际工作时间 + 记录 非预定关闭时间 在员工休假期间,校园会关闭几个小时 正常工作时间表.
在校期间记录实际工作时间. 不会收到 计划外结案假.
    • For those employees that are not designated by the institution as 必要的人员, the amount of time to be paid during a campus closure is not to exceed 8 hours in 一天(定期和非定期关门时间的总和). 
    • If an employee does not report 工作 on the day the institution is declared 关闭 for a partial day/delayed opening, the employee should 记录 临时关闭 time for the hours the campus is 关闭 during the employees 正常工作时间表 and must use either vacation or sick time for the hours the campus is open during 员工的正常工作时间表. 如果员工没有足够的假期 or sick time accrued, the employee will not be paid for the balance of that time.
    • When an employee, who has not been previously designated as an essential employee, is asked to report 工作 or to the 从ice during a campus closure, that employee will be paid as an essential employee for all hours worked, including travel time 到工作场所.
    • Since campus closures are made on a workday by workday basis, the use of unscheduled 结束营业的时间 will only be applicable through the end of the day a campus is 关闭. 提醒一下,该机构的正式工作日定义为上午12:00.m. ‐ 11:59 p.m. 对于那些重要员工的轮班从 one workday into another, the employee will only receive 临时关闭 time for hours worked while the 校园宣布关闭 直到工作日结束


  • I am a regular telecommuter and the campus was 关闭 today, how should I 记录 my time?
    As telecommuting involves working at a satellite location, other 从ice, or home, 您将没有资格获得非预定的关闭时间.
  • 我是一个非必要的两周一次的雇员 working a compressed workweek and have Fri天 从. 上周五,该校宣布关闭. 我有资格参加计划外计划吗 结束营业的时间?
    No. 这将被视为你的正常休息日.
  • 我是一个非必要的两周一次的雇员 working a compressed work week of four ten‐hour 天. 上周五,学校宣布关闭一天. 我如何完成我的 时间卡?
    If you are scheduled 工作 on Fri天 at part of your workweek, you will 记录 8 hours as 临时关闭 and the remaining 2 hours should either be reported as vacation or worked on another day during that work week (with your supervisor’s 许可).
  • 我是一个非必要的两周一次的雇员 working a compressed work week of four ten‐hour 天. 我的时间表是从早上8点开始.m. – 7 p.m.我星期一上班. 上周一, 校园于上午11点宣布关闭.m. 我怎样填写考勤卡?
    You will 记录 the actual hours you worked in the morning (3 hours), 5 hours as unscheduled 结束营业的时间, and the remaining 2 hours should either be reported as vacation or worked 在那个工作周的另一天(在你主管的允许下).
  • 我是一名重要的两周员工,晚上8点开始上夜班.m. 周三,该校宣布关闭. 我怎样填写考勤卡?
    For Wednesday, you will 记录 4 hours of actual work time and 4 hours of unscheduled 关门时间(包括晚上8点开始换班.m. 直到工作日结束 11点59分.m.). 在周四之前的几个小时里,你只记录实际情况 工作时间,直到你的时间表结束(没有非预定的关闭时间).
  • I am an essential bi‐weekly employee working a compressed work week; on Monday, the 校园宣布关闭. 我正常的时间表是从下午2点开始.m. ——午夜. 我该怎么做? 完成我的考勤卡?
    You will 记录 your actual hours worked + you will 记录 临时关闭 相同小时数的时间.
  • I am a bi‐weekly employee that has not been deemed “必要的人员” by my department. Therefore, I was not required to come 工作 last Friday when the campus was declared 关闭. 我还是决定来办公室,因为我有一份重要的报告 我得为我的院长完成任务. 我怎样填写考勤卡?
    You will 记录 your actual hours worked and if you worked less than a full work day, 记录 临时关闭 time for the remaining hours for a total of 8 hours 结合. Please note however, that you may be subject to disciplinary action for ignoring an 临时关闭 directive since your supervisor did not request that you report 工作.
  • 我是一个非必要的两周一次的雇员. 上周五,该校宣布关闭 中午. 我自愿留下来帮忙完成一些工作. 我如何完成我的时间 卡?
    You will 记录 your actual hours worked and, if you worked less than a full work day, 记录 临时关闭 time for the remaining hours for a total of 8 hours 结合.